Domain Name Search Assistance
Not yet decided on a name for your web site. Alberta Web Designs can help with
this and assist you in finding out availability of possible domain names.
Domain Name Registration
The first step in building a website is registering a domain name. Whether you
register your name with a registrar or your web host (who will register your domain
name through a registrar for you) is merely a matter of convenience and preference.
When a name is registered you are purchasing the right to the use of that name for
the agreed amount of years at registration, usually 1-10 years. No one else may
use that name with your specified extension (.com, .ca, .net) until you either let the
name expire or you sell it to someone else.
Web Hosting
A web hosting service is a type of Internet hosting service that
allows individuals and organizations to make their own website
accessible via the World Wide Web. A host is the company who
actually provides the hardware, servers, backbone connections,
backup system etc, where your web site is housed. It is their
job to make sure your web site is available to site visitors on
the world wide web around the clock 365 days of the year.
Alberta Web Designs has partnered with one of Canada's premier web hosting
companies to provide your company web site with all it's domain registration
& hosting needs.